10 career-changing books you should be reading, as recommended by KC IT members (Part I)

Reach For The Sky - by Stephen Elwyn RODDICK

Professional development is critical to the evolution of any career. Based on my perceptions, not enough IT professionals focus this facet, but rather, only pursue enhancing their technical skills. Staying ahead of the ever-changing technology curve is a worthy endeavor.  However, to become multidimensional in the competitive world that exists today, one must work their soft skills.

I asked the KC IT Professionals membership 1 month ago about their favorite professional development books. Below is the first part in this series: 10 books that they felt had changed their career.

This should keep you busy for a while….happy reading!

1. Leading Change – John P. Kotter

I read a lot of books in this space and one of my all time favorites is Leading Change by John P. Kotter. In the IT world we are constantly introducing change into whatever business we are supporting. This book has been invaluable to me in understanding the principles needed to ensure successful projects.

2. Nuts! Southwest Airlines Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success by Kevin and Jackie Freiberg

It’s the story of Southwest Airlines’ success and reinforces the value that taking care of your people must come first.

Todd Buckley

3. Good To Great by Jim Collins

4. How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

A couple of others that have helped to shape my leadership style are, Good To Great by Jim Collins and How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

Todd Buckley

How To Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie

5. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber

6. Death March by Edward Yourdon

…What to do when your work environment isn’t healthy the only requirements you have is a deadline and the chances of failure far outweigh those of success.

7. Team of Rivals, The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin

…history is still the best teacher, explains why Lincoln’s desire to surround himself with people who had different views made Lincoln better than he would have been on his own.

8. The Deadline: A Novel About Project Management by Tom DeMarco

Fantastic read.

It’s rather funny, which keeps the reader very engaged–not that I’m suggesting books about project management tend to be any less riveting than a Ludlum spy novel. In fact, the book is full of so many “duh” moments that are presented so dryly, you might at times think you’re reading an episode of “Faulty Towers” or “Yes, Minister”.

David Yarnevich

9. The Logical Organization – A Strategic Guide To Driving Corporate Performance Using Business Intelligence by Gail La Grouw

I like it because it is aimed at a wide range of readers, IT & Business alike. She approaches her writing with synergy and explains the whole BI picture and what you need to know before investing in it and then getting the most out of it.
Why did it help me personally? — It helped me to look at it from both perspectives not just from IT.

Tone’ Shelby

Never Eat Alone -- Keith Ferrazzi
10. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz

Never Eat Alone is an inspiring book yet practical. The author Keith Ferrazzi came from a blue collar family yet went to the best prep and ivy league schools cause of his father’s ingenuity. His hard work ethic and practicality put him ahead of his classmates and then his colleges. He is not ruthless or secretive and believes in giving back.

Susana Bruhn

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