Announcement: establishing a KCITP mentor program

Mentorship has always been something integrated within our philanthropy initiative. Working on volunteer IT projects with someone that has more experience in a given field helps one to learn. However, we don’t always have opportunities that coincide with the skills of those wanting to participate in a mentorship program.

Due to recent interest in this topic, we had a brainstorming meeting with dedicated leaders in the IT community to make this happen!

First iteration

Our intial step was to shuffle this underneath the Knowledge Exchange aspect of our platform. We’ve implemented a form in which you can submit information about your interests in such a program: whether you want to be a mentor/mentee and on what topic. This allows us to gain insight into the interest level/skillsets of those who wish to participate, and attempt to make connections based on the data.

Spread the word about our efforts and help drive interest!

In the future…

Plans are being made for a meetup on this topic, as well as other ways to match you up with those who can help you grow your career!

Exciting stuff….stay tuned!!

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