How To Get Your Boss To Pay For Mobile Midwest Conference Tickets

47278233 Since announcing Mobile Midwest (presented by The Disruption Institute), a few people have contacted us to ask how they might pitch their manager to pay for ticket(s).

Leave the tough work up to us! We’ve included a template that will help you make a strong business case.

First Things First

What is Mobile Midwest? It’s an epic conference in Kansas City happening April 23rd at the beautiful Midland Theatre.

The Midland Theatre: Our venue for Mobile Midwest

From the fabric of society to new opportunities in the economy, how is mobile altering every facet of your life?

How can you leverage the shift towards a “Mobile First” world to create new opportunities for your company?

How will the explosive growth of mobility change the trajectory of your future?

Find out on April 23rd at the Midland Theatre in Kansas City: learn about the latest trends, gain valuable insights from innovators in the industry and discover how you can shift into a “Mobile First” mindset.

Amazing Speaker Lineup


Christy Wyatt – CEO, Good Technology

Does your manager know that we have a lineup of 7 inspiring innovators who are building mobile companies that are changing the world by connecting people in new ways with information, business, and each other?

If you pay any attention to the tech/mobile world at all, you will recognize some of these names & companies. For many in the list below, this is their first time speaking in Kansas City.

We’re excited to make that happen, as we do our best to bring you the best!

Here’s our speaker lineup so far:

What Will I Learn From Them?

Mobile Midwest - Mobile Conference 2014 We know that tech enthusiasts like you want to stay on the cutting edge.

Where else will you hear about the latest trends in mobile & gain valuable insights about building/thinking “mobile first” for your company/business?

Each of the speakers are solving different problems in the industry, such as mobile security, mobile payments, mobile health, artificial intelligence, mobile education, mobile content & delivery..and more!

Hearing about these challenges can spur new ideas and approaches to solving problems for your own company.

Here’s your opportunity to stay ahead of the curve, gather new ideas & discover what’s next – straight from tech leaders & startup founders who are changing the mobile industry.

Don’t forget: aside from the educational content, you’ll be able forge new relationships with 400+ of your peers in the tech industry!

How To Get Your Boss To Pay

Here it is, a “Company Justification” letter which makes it a breeze for you to formulate a business case to your manager!

Here’s how to use it:

1. Click here to view the document.

2. Copy and paste the template into an email

3. Customize the text as needed.

4. Send to your manager!

5. IMPORTANT: Tell your colleagues about the event & share the letter with them, so they can send along for approval too (there’s strength in numbers)!

Want to skip the letter? Register Today:

[button link=”” size=”huge” text_size=”beta” newtab=”on”]Register Today[/button]


Mobile Midwest and other KCITP events are made possible by the support of the forward thinking companies you see on our Mobile Midwest event site.

Interested in sponsoring? Get in touch!